About Us

This site is dedicated to informing the people of the United and States and the World as to the cause and origin of the Covid-19 virus outbreak. It is an unfortunate fact that Covid-19 and several other killer viruses originated in China.
     This site will also campaign to raise awareness of the Chinese Communist Government’s systematic theft of American Companies’  intellectual property,  forced transfers of technology, currency manipulation and the general hatred of Democracy and of our Capitalist System.
     It is the view of this site that the China’s delayed notification of the deadly nature of the Covid-19 virus, the misrepresentation that it was not spread person to person and allowing International air travel from Wuhan is the direct cause of killing tens of thousands of people the United States around the world.  It is this sites opinion that reasonable people can agree that China’s actions constitute an act of war on the United States and indeed the world.
     It is also the opinion of this site that the purchase of goods from China furthers the causes of the Communist Party of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) . People should discontinue purchasing products from China as punishment for PRC’s blatant disregard for human life and to cripple China’s economy in a way that moves manufacturing back to the United States or to other more responsible counties. 
     By buying products from this site you will helping to spread the word and be fighting back against the Chinese Government. 
     To be clear, we are anti-Chinese Government NOT anti-Chinese People.